An Interview with Ann Petrov


Photograph by  Kasia Ratajczak in association with Ros Model Management.

How did you begin your interest in design?

I have always loved designing, when I was young i made clothes for my barbies and other dolls. That was only time I was actually playing with them. When I got older I figured that I didn’t like clothes what were in shops and tried to make my own clothes out of my mum’s or sisters old clothes. So it has been always there. My love to knit and crochet has just well blended into it.

What’s your practice like? Do you work from a studio or are you based at home?

Great thing about knit and crochet is that I can take it EVERYWHERE! But I am yarn hoarder by shame. I have a studio at home full of wool/yarn.


What artists/designers have inspired you over time?

I love pops of colour, and many high end designers, eg. Vivienne Westwood, have inspired me and I would have followed their work. Lately I find hard to get inspirations from catwalks. I really enjoyed Versace and Chanel’s new AW18/19 collection and it has made me excited for next season. It hasn’t happened for long time.

Tell us about the last collection you created and the inspiration behind it?

I wanted to use pink and grey contrast and be dearing. Also move away from accessories and do more clothing. I love pink roses or any flowers, I use them in my house and against grey background. So Feminine delicate soul with the strong mind would be the idea behind it.

Tell us about your process and how you take an idea and transform it into a finished piece?

I pick colours first then details and then work my way around it. Lot of the times I let wool to take me places, “wondering hook” so called. I try to sketch down if I have idea and have mood boards handy to stay in track.

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What materials are you most drawn to working with?

Natural fibres like cotton, merino, alpaca etc etc. Silk, casmere and viscous has really come now my attention as well, specially when they have been blended in with one of the main wool produce.

What are your next steps with your brand?

AW18/19! Absolutely smitten about it!

What connections do you have to other designers and how do you feel about collaboration?

I love working with other designers and pass on my knowledge or take on theirs when
needed. I don’t see myself as competiton nor do I see them to be mine. Instead I like to consider us as bid strong creative family where we support each other and encourage each other to look and reach bigger.

If you could only choose one piece of design, what would it be?

Probably my gold top what am I going to wear on the event! Its casmere and merino mix,
there is movement and I absolutely love that colour!

Tell us a funny story/highlight from your career?

I think it must be how I met Gayle, My Wifey and business partner. We knew each other for quite a while but never really made effort to meet. One failed market together with kids in tow and next thing we were organising fashion show! We have had rows but she is the rock who gets me up and keeps me going when I want to throw in the towel. I dont think I would have done all of it without her!



Ann Petrov is one of the featured designers in the Galway Designers S/S Fashion Showcase ’18

First Show starts @ 5.30pm
Doors open 5pm
Interval @ 6.15pm – TheDirty Circus Performance
Second Show @ 6.45pm

There will be a Pop-Up Prosecco Bar provided for your refreshment

After the show, you are invited to join the ‘Afterparty’ for some cocktails above in the Tribeton Bar.

Tickets are €12 and can be purchased from Tribeton or from the Galway Designers Studio House, located in the Cornstore Mall.

They can also be purchased on the door for €15
Limited standing tickets available on the door for €7

Tickets get you a seat with goodie bag and 20% discount off any Tribeton food purchases

Limited Tickets Available!

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